Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Home Equity

Home equity. Every month homeowners are making their mortgage payment they are adding to their family's overall wealth. 30 years worth of home ownership ends up in a paid for home with 💰💰💰 real equity. 30 years of renting and you're lucky if you even get your deposit back! The earlier you can start, the better. It's not the best fit for everyone to buy now, but it might be for you. 

As you build up home equity your purchasing power increases. If you decide to invest in real estate in Logan or elsewhere in Northern Utah, you might be able to dip in to your home's equity to come up with a down payment. Starting now could give you a huge leg up as you progress throughout your career, wether that means you buy now with an FHA, USDA or conventional mortgage, or start a rent to own program to get on the path to home ownership. The time is now.

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