Monday, December 7, 2015

Logan & Cache Rent to Own F.A.Q.

Why rent to own in Cache Valley?

Rent to own is ideal for families that are not yet able to qualify for a regular mortgage, but that should be ready within about a year. In stead of moving from apartment to apartment, it's a way to get into your home now, and you can rent it until you qualify for a mortgage. 

What costs are associated?

If an applicant is accepted into the rent to own program, they pay an up front option money deposit. This deposit is like a down payment, and goes toward the purchase of your new home. It can range from a thousand to a few thousand dollars. From the time a rent to own buyer moves in

Why don't I just get a mortgage and buy a house now?

Part of the pre qualification process is meeting with a mortgage loan officer. If the loan officer tells you that you qualify now, there is no reason not to get a regular mortgage. We are able to help you through the home purchase process, and some buyers are able to skip the rent to own process altogether. 

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